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NC Goth Dot Com

31 December 2021 - I give up.

31 December 2021 - I give up. The omicron variant of COVID-19 is causing a huge rise in cases.

I stopped updating ncgoth.com in March 2020 because I couldn't maintain the hypocrisy of promoting public gatherings that I felt were unsafe for me personally to attend. I briefly restarted updates in early summer 2021 after vaccines became available and the things were looking better, then stopped again shortly after that when the Delta variant suddenly appeared. For now I'm leaving the site up but I won't start updating it again until I think it's okay for me to go to events with strangers, and I don't know when that will be.

(March 2020 was one month before NCgoth.com's twentieth anniversary - I had planned to rent a space and host an anniversary party for the site, just for fun.)

If nothing else, people have told me that the Show History page is a good historical resource of who played where and when and I don't regret the nineteen years and eleven months that I updated the shows page often daily. I hope people found value in it. If I do something with this site it might not be focused on the calendar - I don't currently know what, or when, that difference might be. If ever.

Get vaccinated. Get a booster shot. Wear an N95 mask. If you have to be in the same place as other people, ventilation, staying outside, keeping a distance, all help reduce your risk. Try to live through this. Help your friends when you can. Good luck. I wish you a happy new year.
- Steve

6 August 2021 - Pausing again.

6 August 2021 - I've stopped updating the Shows page again because the COVID-19 pandemic is worse. Please get vaccinated (even if you've already had COVID, the protection from the vaccine is more effective and lasts longer), wear an N95 mask even if you are vaccinated, and be careful as much as possible.

21 June 2021 - Happy Midsommar!

21 June 2021 - Venues have begun holding in-person events again here in North Carolina, so I'm reopening the listings on the Shows and Events page. Email me at steve@ncgoth.com with event listings, venue closings, and other updates for any of these pages:

that happened between March 2020 and June 2021, and new and upcoming events!

The COVID-19 pandemic may cause changes at any time to these events so double-check with the venue or event organizers in case of changes that I might not see and be able to update quickly enough.

COVID-19 is still a serious threat so use your best judgement and please be careful. GET VACCINATED, plan outside gatherings, and wear masks, wash hands, keep distance, and stay as safe as possible. If you operate a venue for indoor events, look at what you can do to improve the airflow and the filtering of indoor air. Please consult the CDC for details.

Many, many goth, industrial, and related virtual events can be found posted in the Gothic Streaming Events Facebook group page.

I am happy to list virtual events hosted or performed by people in the North Carolina scene, just email steve@ncgoth.com.

Please stay safe and we can hopefully see each other sometime. Keep wearing a mask when in public, indoors, with people who might not be vaccinated, and generally for gatherings as much as possible. Keep social distancing. Above all else get vaccinated, please! Vaccinations are available for anyone 12 years and older now.

Welcome! Follow the links to find information about gothly things in North Carolina. Know anything that should be added or corrected here? Email me if you like.


Shows and Events

Clubs, Venues, Locations

Goth Nights and Recurring Events

Shopping and Food


About This Site

How to Get Your Show / Event / Club Night / Venue Listed on this Site

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Newcomers Guide (state laws about alcohol, etc.)

Most recent update 31 December 2021.